Avienne de Aquino

Gilbertico Sirberie

Ferdinand Bouwman

Kumpra Lokal - Buy Local

You can recognize by this logo if the products you buy are locally produced. Do you want to know more about the logo?

Farmers are doing the most important job on earth: we depend on them multiple times a day.

Join the Green Movement

Together we are the change!

Farmers, chefs, restaurants, supermarkets, scientists, cooperatives, policy makers, consumers, EVERYONE who has something to say about local food production: your story contributes to the Hidden Green Movement!

About Hidden Green Movement

From 90% food import to more sustainability in Curaçao

The Hidden Green Movement is here to take steps towards a better and healthier society. We bring the producer closer to the consumer. We help consumers to consciously choose local products.

million ANG of food import yearly
of the food on Curaçao is imported
different local crops grow on Curaçao

The socials this week